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Dietetic Internship at Northwest Missouri State University

Virtual Open House Dates

Virtual Open House Dates

Hear from preceptors, interns and the director!

Spring Open House
Friday, January 17th, 9:30 – 11:00 AM CST
ZOOM link sent by email

Register For Link

Welcome to Northwest Missouri State University Dietetic Internship in the School of Health Science and Wellness. We are pleased that you have decided to continue your dietetic journey here at our university.

Students can enroll in this program as a part of the master's program, as a non-degree seeking student, or as a student from another institution in pursuit of becoming a registered dietitian nutritionist.

NOTE: Students can only apply to the Northwest Dietetic Internship once they have earned a verification statement from either an undergraduate or graduate level ACEND accredited program in Dietetics. Please see application due dates and requirements below in the Dietetics Internship Overview tab.

The Northwest Graduate Degree in Nutrition Sciences does not award a verification statement to apply for ACEND accredited internships and sit for the registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) exam.  

For information about the undergraduate program, please contact the Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD) Director :

Kelli Wilmes, MS RDLD

For information about the Dietetics Internship or the master’s degree in nutrition, please contact the Dietetic Internship Director:

Jessica Anderson, MS RDLD
Dietetic Internship Director

Dietetics Internship Overview

Application and Admission Requirements

Application Process

There are two application deadlines. For internship class of 2025 – 2026, applicants must complete the Intern Application through Dietetic Internship Centralized Application System (DICAS).

Early Decision Application

NOTE: Application to Early Decision Application Option does not guarantee acceptance.

  • Early Decision Applications due: November 22, 2024 in DICAS. Qualifying applicants will be interviewed. Applicants who have completed the Northwest Missouri State University DPD program within the last three years are not interviewed unless further information is needed after reviewing the application.
  • Application Notification Date: December 13, 2024 - Applicants will be notified of acceptance or rejection by the Dietetic Internship Director via email provided on application on or before this date.
  • Applicant Decision Date: March 15, 2025 – Applicants will provide written confirmation of acceptance or rejection of the position via email to the Dietetic Internship Director.
  • Applicant Acceptance Confirmation Fee: March 15, 2025 – Applicants must pay a non-refundable $500 deposit at the time of acceptance to secure the position in the program. Students who do not pay by March 15, are at risk of losing their position to other applicants. This fee is later applied to course fees during the first block of the semester. 

Spring Application

  • Applications due: January 24, 2025 in DICAS. Qualifying applicants will be interviewed. Applicants who have completed the Northwest Missouri State University DPD program within the last three years are not interviewed unless further information is needed after reviewing the application.
  • Applicant Notification Date: March 1, 2025 – Applicants will be notified of acceptance or rejection by the Dietetic Internship Director via email provided on application on or before this date.
  • Applicant Decision Date: March 15, 2025 – Applicants will provide written confirmation of acceptance or rejection of the position via email to the Dietetic Internship Director.
  • Applicant Acceptance Confirmation Fee: March 15, 2025 – Applicants must pay a non-refundable $500 deposit at the time of acceptance to secure the position in the program. Students who do not pay by March 15, are at risk of losing their position to other applicants. This fee is later applied to course fees during the first block of the semester.  

Admission Requirements

  • Evidence of meeting the minimum academic requirements from an ACEND-approved Didactic Program in Dietetics by a "Verification Statement" or "Declaration of Intent to Complete Degree" and/or ACEND-approved "Minimum Academic Requirements" within five years of application. The DI Director must receive verification statements by July 31st. Contact the director if the degree is awarded in August of the application year.
    • * Applicant must have earned their verification statement within the past five years. If the verification statement is older than five years, the applicant must show evidence of earning a B or higher in an MNT course in the past two years of application submission.
  • Cumulative GPA of 3.00
  • Completed application form in DICAS.
  • A personal statement that addresses the applicant's professional career goals and how the DI program will help accomplish these goals.
  • Three written recommendations received with the application must be without significant reservations/concerns.
    1. Dietetic academic reference
    2. Work or volunteer reference
    3. The final reference is the applicant’s choice 

Resume which includes

  • Work experience in dietetics, including the number of hours of paid and volunteer work
  • Involvement in college and/or community activities
  • After the application period closes, the selection committee will review all of the applications and select interns for an interview. The interview will be conducted via telephone.

Northwest DI does not participate in the assessment of prior learning.

DPD Transcript Evaluation Policy for students who graduate from institutions other than Northwest Missouri State University.

  1. Students from other institutions other than Northwest Missouri State University must provide detailed course descriptions or course syllabi to assess course equivalencies.
  2. They must provide an official transcript and have graduated with a 3.0 or greater to be formally accepted into the DPD program.
  3. To receive a Verification Statement, each student is expected to receive a B or better in their 300 level and above Foods and Nutrition Dietetics courses. A student may receive a maximum of one C in the above-stated courses.
  4. A student who wishes to challenge this requirement may take an oral exam and the current final examination for one or more of these courses. If a grade of 80 percent or better is achieved in the oral and final examination, the requirement for that course will be waived.
  5. The student must successfully complete the Senior Seminar capstone course and obtain a “B” or higher grade.
  6. The student must have a minimum cumulative grade point of 3.0 on a 4-point scale.
  7. All evaluations will include the following:
    • A list of courses to complete deficiencies
    • An “Intent to Complete” form when the student is in her/his last year of courses
    • A DPD Verification Statement if the courses listed in the “Intent to Complete” form are completed at Northwest Missouri State University with the other grade requirements above
    • All those issued a verification statement will also receive a certificate of completion of DPD coursework from Northwest Missouri State University.

Program Description

The Northwest Dietetic Internship requires 1188 hours of supervised practice. Interns will obtain the required hours through pre-determined rotations as well as through Friday Didactic Classes. The Northwest DI is approved for a concentration in nutrition. To fulfill the CDR requirement of having a master’s degree (as stated above) to be eligible for the RDN exam, Northwest offers an online Master's degree program in Nutrition. Interns can pursue one of two tracks depending on their needs.

  1. Non-Degree Track – Dietetic Internship Only.

For interns that have successfully obtained a master’s degree before the dietetic internship. The intern must complete 1188 hours of supervised practice.

  1. Degree and Dietetic Internship Track.

For interns without a master’s degree. The intern must complete 1188 hours of supervised practice and Northwest’s Master's Degree in Nutrition.

The Master of Science in Nutrition Degree is a 30-credit,12-month, online, non-thesis Master’s degree program that promotes higher learning and skills application in the field of nutrition designed further to prepare future Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDN).

Learn about M.S. in Nutrition.

Key Rotation Information

The Northwest Dietetic Internship prides itself on various experiences throughout the community. Each intern will experience some of the community’s best rotations in the following key areas:

Community – Food Bank 2-3 weeks
Food Service (School and Hospital) 6 weeks
Long Term Care 3 weeks
Elective of Intern Choice 2 weeks
Community – Wellness (WIC, Extension, Youth) 8 weeks
MNT Inpatient 7 weeks
MNT Inpatient – Relief 2 weeks
MNT Outpatient 2-4 weeks

Pre-determined Rotation Spots

All rotations are pre-determined and scheduled by the DI Director. Interns will not be responsible for setting up rotations. The Northwest DI takes seven interns. Preference to location is considered.


Intern 1 Des Moines, Iowa
Intern 2 St. Joseph, MO
Intern 3 Kansas City, MO
Intern 4 Kansas City, MO
Intern 5 Kansas City, MO/Lee’s Summit, MO
Intern 6 Kansas City, MO/Harrisonville, MO
Intern 7 Columbia/Fulton/Jefferson City, MO
Intern 8 Lawrence and Topeka, KS

Dietetic Internship Program Schedule

For Fall 2024 – Spring 2025, the DI will follow the tentative schedule below. Orientation marks the beginning of the DI. Following the orientation, interns will be assigned to their rotation area and begin rotations the following week. The Northwest DI has a non-remote track and remote track (10 percent or more of rotations are over 100 miles away from the Northwest campus). Interns are expected to complete the DI within nine months from the initial orientation date. Extenuating circumstances will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.  Interns will provide a weekly update to the program to ensure rotations are being completed on time.

Aug. 26–30 Orientation
Sept. 2 Week 1 of Rotations
Nov. 25 – 29 Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 16 – Jan. 3 Holiday Break
Jan. 6 Return to Rotations
Apr. 21 – 25 Last week of Rotations
Apr. 28 – May 2

Assignment Wrap–Up, RDN Exam Prep, and Exit Interview

MS Degree Please refer to link in Program Description tab for graduate course schedule

Masters Degree Program Dates

Spring 2 3/4/24 2/19/24 2/22/24 2/26/24 2/28/24 4/19/24
Summer 1 4/29/24 4/15/24 4/18/24 4/22/24 4/24/24 6/14/24
Summer 2 6/24/24 6/7/24 6/12/24 6/14/24 6/18/24 8/9/24
Fall 1 8/26/24 8/12/24 8/15/24 8/19/24 8/21/24 10/11/24
Fall 2 10/21/24 10/7/24 10/10/24 10/14/24 10/16/24 12/6/24

View the Academic Calendar for more details. 

View Academic Calendar  

Graduation and Program Completion Requirements

The intern must complete all coursework and supervised experience components, including documentation of attainment of competencies through evaluations and assignments. During the supervised practice component of the program, an intern must meet the competencies designated for that experience. The intern will be given formal evaluations at the end of each rotation, mid-way through the program, and at the end. A self-evaluation by the intern is also required at the end of each rotation. In addition, the preceptor and/or Director will give each intern daily feedback on performance. Interns may receive additional time to complete experiences, at most one month. Interns must complete all supervised practice rotations by May 31, 2023. Extenuating circumstances will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. The intern must have no outstanding financial or other program obligations. The final grade for the supervised experience will be based on scores received from evaluations, participation points, orientation completion, and other supervised practice activities and assignments.

A verification statement is given to the intern upon successful completion of the Dietetic Internship and evidence of completing a Master’s Degree.

Interns do not receive a verification statement until the DI Director receives evidence of completing a Master’s Degree.

Program Costs

Note: All Dietetic Internship students will enroll in a three-credit hour dietetic internship course for four consecutive 7-week blocks that span the duration of the dietetics internship. Continual enrollment in the Dietetics internship course is required.

For NON-Degree Track – Dietetic Internship Only

*A $500.00 non-refundable fee is required upon the time of acceptance and is applied to course fees during the first block of the semester.

  • Program Tuition and Fees: $11,892
  • Intern Membership in the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: $58
  • Textbooks: $200*
  • Orientation Session (expenses incurred during a required orientation session in Maryville, MO, including, but not limited to, lodging costs, meals, and travel)
    • Campus lodging is available: $10-$20/night*
    • Hotel: $60-$100/night*
    • Food: $50*
    • Fuel: $100 if commuting daily*
  • Health Insurance: $150/month
  • Immunizations: $150
  • Drug screen: $42
  • Background Check: $52
  • Physical Exam fee: $50
  • Professional Liability Insurance: $50
  • Laptop Computer: For a fee can be rented from the college or provide own
  • Lab Coats: $20 - some sites do not require them. The DI Director will notify interns if they need to purchase.

*All tuition and fees are subject to change without notice.

For Masters in Nutrition Degree with Dietetic Internship Track

Program Per Credit Hour Per Course Per Program
M.S. in Nutrition - tuition $446 $1,338 $13,380
Dietetic Internship Fee $600 $1,800 $7,200

*Tuition and fees are subject to change. Current amounts are based on 2024-25 tuition rates. Textbooks and laptops are not included in the tuition.

*A $500.00 non-refundable fee is required upon the time of acceptance and is applied to course fees during the first block of the semester.

  • Intern Membership in Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics $58
  • Textbooks: Internship: $200* Graduate Courses: $75/text*
  • Orientation Session (expenses incurred during a required orientation session in Maryville, MO, including, but not limited to, lodging costs, meals, and travel)
    • Campus lodging is available from $10 to $20/night*
    • Hotel: $60-$100/night*
    • Food: $50*
    • Fuel: $150, if commuting daily*
  • Health Insurance $150/month
  • Immunizations $150 (depending on shot records)
  • Drug screen $42
  • Background Check $52
  • Physical Exam fee $50
  • Professional Liability Insurance $50
  • Laptop Computer for a fee can be rented from the college or provide own

*All tuition and fees are subject to change without notice. 

Important Refund Information

Refund/Reduction Day of Session
100% Day 2
75% Day 4
50% Day 6
25% Day 8

FAILURE TO PAY CAN RESULT IN REMOVAL FROM THE PROGRAM. The intern’s unpaid account goes to collections and impacts their credit. The intern must then pay the collection costs (25 percent of the balance) + the balance. The collection agency works the account through phone calls, letters, and emails. 

Full payment is required for the course before the start of the 7-week class. There will be four 3-hour classes spread out over the year. Payment will be due four times throughout the year. Visit the registrar's website to learn of payment deadlines

**If an intern leaves the DI program before successfully completing all DI requirements, fees will not be refunded.

Financial Aid

Please visit to learn the steps to apply for financial aid.

Details and more information


The Northwest Dietetic Internship was granted candidacy for accreditation status by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) on May 22, 2019. ACEND is the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics' accrediting agency for education programs preparing interns for careers as registered dietitian nutritionists or dietetic technicians, registered. ACEND serves and protects interns and the public by assuring the quality and continued improvement of nutrition and dietetics education programs. Programs meeting those standards are accredited by ACEND.

Effective January 1, 2024, the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR) will require a minimum of a master's degree to be eligible to take the credentialing exam to become a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN). To be approved for registration examination eligibility with a bachelor's degree, an individual must meet all eligibility requirements and be submitted into CDR's Registration Eligibility Processing System (REPS) before midnight Central Time, December 31, 2023. For more information about this requirement, visit CDR's website:

In addition, CDR requires that individuals complete coursework and supervised practice in program(s) accredited by ACEND. Graduates who complete the ACEND-accredited Didactic Program in Dietetics program at Northwest are eligible to apply to an ACEND-accredited supervised practice program/Dietetic Internship.

Phone: 800/877-1600, ext. 5400
Mail: 120 South Riverside Plaza
Suite 2190, Chicago, IL 60606-6995

Mission Statement

To provide education and practical experience for graduates to become entry-level registered dietitians-nutritionists that can work confidently and enthusiastically to enhance the quality of life through food and nutrition in any area of the dietetics field. 

Goals and Outcomes

Goal 1: To prepare graduates to be competent in entry-level skills of dietetic practice.


  • At least 80 percent of program graduates complete the requirements within 13.5 months (150 percent of time planned - 9 months).
  • 80 percent of program graduates take the CDR credentialing exam for dietitian nutritionists within 12 months of program completion. 
  • The program’s one-year pass rate (graduates who pass the registration exam within one year of the first attempt) on the CDR credentialing exam for dietitian nutritionists is at least 80 percent.
  • Of graduates who seek employment, at least 75 percent are employed in nutrition and dietetics or related fields within 12 months of graduation.

By preparing graduates for a confident level of entry-level skills, the graduate will have a solid foundation of skills needed to embrace their own goals for success as a dietitian as they enter practice.

Goal 2: To prepare graduates with professional development skills for life-long learning to enhance the profession of dietetics in the Midwest and beyond.


  • At least 50 percent of graduates document plans for future training, such as specialty degrees, advanced degrees, and/or portfolio progress.
  • At least 50 percent of graduates find employment in the Midwest.
  • All employers (100 percent) report program graduates in their first year of employment “agree” or “strongly agree” regarding the graduate’s knowledge and skill preparation for entry-level practice.
  • Of graduates who seek employment, at least 75 percent are employed in nutrition and dietetics or related fields within 12 months of graduation.

For continued success, the internship will provide the tools and experiences to prepare the intern with the skills needed to achieve their goals in the dietetics practice continuously. By also providing new, non-traditional experiences that are evolving in the dietetics world, the intern will gain a unique skill set that will complement the traditional dietetic intern experiences allowing the intern to be well-rounded and successful in the multiple areas of dietetics.

With 2019 being the DI’s first year, no program outcomes data exists. Once available, program outcome data for remote and non-remote tracks will be available upon request.

E-Learning for Remote and Non-Remote Rotations

Canvas is Northwest's E-learning platform where all internship materials can be accessed. Assignments, logs, evaluations, and exams are completed through Canvas. To verify identity, Interns will use a username and password for access. It is encouraged to create a unique password to prevent unwanted access. In addition, Canvas also has security tools to verify identities, such as webcam use during exams and password-sensitive exams, which can be used for remote locations where interns are not on Northwest's campus.